添加时间:Conclusion 结论China’s credit gap, which has been a source of concern for many investors over the past few years, has narrowed to a post-GFC low over the past 18 months. This has come on the back of a meaningful narrowing of nominal GDP growth and credit growth. Manufacturing sector reflation, as well as supply-side reforms (such as tighter financial and local government financing policies), both played a role. We estimate that even if GDP growth can be sustained at around a double-digit rate, the debt to GDP trajectory will likely stay in line with the historical trend, implying a more or less constant credit gap over the coming years.
来源:国际投行研究报告The gap between growth in Total Social Financing (TSF) and nominal GDP has already narrowed to a ten-year low….…the next step is to keep total credit growth stable, while shifting from off-balance to on-balance sheet lendingAll this helps to support the corporate sector’s technology centric investment
责任编辑:郭建来源:每日经济新闻每经记者 张韵每经编辑 汤辉昨日(11月5日),第二届中国国际进口博览会(以下简称进博会)开幕式在国家会展中心(上海)举行,习近平主席出席开幕式并发表主旨演讲。会后,联想集团董事长兼CEO杨元庆向包括《每日经济新闻》记者在内的媒体表达了几点感想。他表示,给其印象最深的是习主席关于共建世界经济提出的三点倡议,再一次对世界经济的发展提出了新的方向,其中开放和共建是关键词。